Friday, October 19, 2007

Well, now I’m sick

Things are getting better at work, starting to get the hang of the kids, they're just kids after all, and it's only an hour each pop, so how bad can it be? And, hate to say it, it's just a job. I'm certainly not damaging them in any way. And once they get used to me (and me to them) I think it's going to be fine.

But, yesterday I woke up with an itchy throat, and I decided I couldn't teach my business classes AND my evening course-load, so I called in sick for my morning classes, slept another 3 1/2 hours and taught my evening classes.

I feel awful today, but at least I got sick at the end of the week bc there's no way I would be able to recover with the schedule I keep. So, I've spent the whole day in my jammies feeling sorry for myself.

I've watched 2 movies and slept a lot, I'm hoping my weekend won't be completely shot and I'll feel like doing something tomorrow or Sunday, even if it's only to go to a movie... Anything to get me out of my pajamas!

I bet I got sick from one of the kids... Little beasts!

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