Friday, October 19, 2007

Life is Good

Mini Backlog--This was from Oct 14th

So, after some rough ups and downs things have settled. Finally. I still have problems with the kids, but I care a lot less. At the end of the day they're just kids. Really. Come on now. And I'm getting used to saying sit down a hundred times a day. So, that's good.

I started taking a Spanish class. It's twice a week and it's fun so far. I've got homework and everything! It's in a school that's waking distance from my house, very convenient, and after class I hop on the bus to go to work. So the timing is perfect.

What else... the weather's changing, feels like fall. I hate all my clothes but don't have the time (or money yet) to go shopping. Everything, and I mean everything except some corner stores, is closed on Sundays so I never do all the stuff I need to do... And especially since this Friday was a holiday so all the shops were closed then too.

I'm going to London November 1st! That's exciting. It's a holiday (Thurs), and I don't work Fridays... And since I teach nights I'm coming back Monday morning! I'll have 3 full days in London. I'm really really excited. I've got two friends there, Melissa my Prague travel buddy (and flatmate for a month) is studying at the London School of Economics, so I'll get to see her! Woohoo. And I've got another friend who I met in Prague who's been living there for the past year and a half.

It's time for a vacation!

That's all for now. I have to go do my homework :(

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