Sunday, November 25, 2007

It’s colder than I thought it would be

As in cold. Sweater, jacket, long pants cold. Ok, so the average highs are 62 here, but those are HIGHS! What about the rest of the time? Boy, that's not the summer-all-the-time-Spain I had pictured. And I don't have a lot in the way of warm clothes, but so far it's been ok because my lovely flatmate has lent me a jacket (which I hope she doesn't want back any time soon), and I've gone shopping!

Also, little play on words here, I've caught ANOTHER cold. I think it'll be like this all winter unless I can figure out a way to make the kids disease free... or at least contagion free. I don't know what to do. I've never been one to get sick, I used to brag that I never got sick and now I've gotten sick twice in five weeks.


In other news... The kids are fine, except for being germ factories. They've gotten used to me, I've gotten used to them, something has shifted. I don't hate them anymore and although I don't LOVE them they're alright. Individually I like almost all of them, but as a group it's like a big glob of running/screaming/whining/mini-people. So, no problems there.

I'm still infatuated with Barcelona. There's just something about this city.

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