Sunday, December 23, 2007


OK, so sorry these are all disorganized....

From the top:

Gaudi's Casa Batlló, gorgeous, isn't it?

My tiny plaza... this is the view from my living room window. At different times of the day different things happen there, kids playing soccer (football), drunks shouting, people walking through with their shopping, tourists looking lost, etc. I love it.

Dinner at Mario's house. From left, Marc (Silvia's boyfriend), Silvia (my flatmate), Mario (our gracious host), me, Monica (a friend of Silvia's).

The old part of the city, either Barri Gotic or El Raval ( my neighborhood). This was taken when the weather was a lot warmer!

On Montjuic overlooking the docks. Also taken when the weather was warmer!

I promise I'll be better about taking photos (and posting them!!)

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